Melissa Wishart

If want to be kept in the loop about Forthcoming sessions and workshops please use contact form


One day workshop Thursday 27th March 

10.00 - 4.00  

Painting Water and Light

Rivers, Canals, Seas

Acrylic and Oils

We will look at how we portray water and light with paint. How that can effect our emotions and vice versa.

Group discussion to start the day looking at other artists’ work.  We will spend the day working from sketches and photos (tutor will provide these tho you are welcome to bring your own) - tonal studies, colour mixing, composition, use of tools. There will be a guided path through to complete one or two paintings by the end of the day and hopefully have some fun along the way.

Bring your own materials. Material list will be supplied.

Some experience of either of these mediums desirable but not totally necessary as guided instruction will be given.

Tables, chairs, tea, coffee & biscuits provided all day. Bring easel if desired.

Lunch – bring packed lunch or there is a café right next door


Sunday 30th March 10am - 12 am

Morning Workshop

Experimental Charcoal (all equipment provided)  £30

Beginners welcome.

or £80 for both workshops

Limited spaces for both workshops

Tutor for East Devon Art Academy, Sidmouth 2025 

May 1st & 2nd  2025 The Landscape - working towards Semi-abstraction Acrylics /Oils

12th & 13th June  2025 Painting the Sea Water, Waves & Light

Demonstrations /Workshops for Art Societies and Groups

I have a rolling programme of these events and am happy to be contacted directly via my contact page


Bradford on Avon West barn


2 day studio and plein air Landscape School.

Thursday 30th and Friday 31st May

10.00 - 4.00

West Barn, Bradford on Avon

The West Barn will be our studio base where there will be guided sessions and paintings can be worked on further. We will also spend time outside sketching and painting plein air on the banks of the River Avon and the beautiful West Barn and Tithe Barn area. Landscapes, Skies & Water.

Open to all. Beginners and more experienced.

Acrylics/Oils. Sketching materials can include Pen & Ink /Watercolour or charcoal if you prefer


Indoor tables, chairs, tea, coffee and biscuits supplied throughout the days. 

Bring your easel if you have one.    Suggested material list will be supplied beforehand.


Please bring a packed lunch or there are food places nearby.

Limited places. Please contact via contact page for more info or booking


2 day workshops in Sidmouth at the East Devon Art Academy

Painting the Sea.

Water, Waves and Light.

Oil & Acrylic

9th & 10th May 2024.

The Landscape - Working towards Semi Abstraction

Oil & Acrylic

20th & 21st June 2024

Please press link below to find out more or enrol via Academy

PAST 2023


'Moving Towards Semi- Abstraction'


All welcome


BA15 1LF


We will engage with the landscape.

Through a step by step guided process and demo in the morning we will establish compositions through different exercises, explore a range of tools and  determine the palette. Then we will get 'in the zone' and paint, allowing happy accidents, layering, adding and taking away.

We aim to have a couple of paintings on the go over the day and several drawing and painting exercises to build up skills useful in semi-abstraction and actually in our artistic practise generally.

A suggested material list will be supplied beforehand.

Past courses/workshops-

Saturday 11th February 2023

Oil & Acrylics

'Joy of Colour'

In a guided way we will experiment with colour seeking out surprising combinations and delights, the joys of limited palettes, harmony, use of coloured grounds, mid-tones, hot and cold colours, optical mixing and juxtapositions and become more aware of how it effects emotion, mood and the optic nerves!

The day will be interspersed with short projected presentations for discussion, looking at the subject of colour and how other artists have used this aspect of vision. Artists will be encouraged to move towards semi-abstraction if they wish.

To apply it where you might not immediately ‘see’ it.

You can work with acrylics or oils and is suitable for both beginners and experienced. Mixing a palette will be demonstrated and the use of palette knife, rags, large brushes and catalyst silicon wedge (if you have one) will be introduced.

'The Concerns of Artists'

weekly 1 hour sessions

4 week February zoom course looking as artists, at art works

week one - what makes art 'contemporary'

week two - mark making & materials

week three - line & composition

week four - colour and absence of colour

These sessions are designed to give a chance to simply look at work and connect with other artists on a weekly basis. It will give us time to investigate how artists through history have explored aspects of the above in their work. The series is intended to inspire and enrich us in what can feel like a bit of a fallow month. It will be held on zoom in the comfort of our homes and it will be in the format of slides and discussion.


28th January 2023

'In the Bleak Mid Winter'

Frosty wind made moan

Earth stood hard as iron

Water like a stone......

Using the landscape around us as inspiration and the words from 'In the bleak mid winter', we will investigate a variety of water based medium (acrylic paint and inks, charcoal, gesso etc) mark-making using different tools (brushes, rags, silicon wedge, sticks, sand paper, putty rubber etc) and limited muted palette to explore and evoke the special qualities of the landscape of winter. 


Sea Painting One day workshops ( zoom and irl)

Rock n'roll Painting workshop ( half day)

Awakening of the Garden

21st March 2021 4 week art course

This course is a chance to gently reconnect through nature, explore it as an artist alongside other creatively minded people in a supportive environment. The equinox is an exciting time of year to start our journey outside in our gardens and the natural world.

We will create an ongoing sketchbook/journal/scrapbook for the four weeks where the changes in our gardens can be explored, whether in words, images, colours, seed packets, photos, drawings, doodles, lists etc. Different techniques will be experimented with and we will get our sketchbook up and running for the summer months ahead. The freshness of a sketchbook can be a wonderful thing to have and look back through as a capsule in a moment of time.

Each session will start with looking and discussing images around our theme of gardens. For example we will look at spontaneous pen and wash (Durer to Dufy) or how artists as diverse as Manet, Anne Redpath and Kurt Jackson have felt drawn to the simple arrangement of flowers in a vase in another. We will keep it simple and relevant to our own direct observations, whilst also discussing different creative approaches and explore different techniques and media for stimulus and inspiration. Hopefully participants will feed in their discoveries from the week. The rest of the session we will be painting/creating alongside each other using the sketchbook, views from windows, things brought in and if the weather and technology permits, outside. Feedback and technical advice supplied.

Material list - click here

The Joy of Colour

4 week ‘get us thro’ February’ course 2021

Let’s escape our prisons to create and love colour together.

This course has now run.

These are some of the bursts of colour created through the month of February by the participants . Brilliant!

Zoom Demos for Art Societies/Clubs

’Many thanks for the Zoom demo last night (12/11/2020) for the Ongar Art Society. I thoroughly enjoyed it, loved your work and felt that you kept it very much a ‘live’ event.’ Chair of Ongar Art Society

'Firstly, thank you for booking Melissa Wishart to demo to Ongar Art Society. She is absolutely delightful. Her painting in oils is lovely, and our members also liked her talking about her techniques, equipment and palette. It was especially helpful that she started the Zoom session explaining to our members about using the Chat Box for questions, Reactions button etc. A really good demo.'. Letter to Art Profile from Secretary Ongar Art Society

Wildflower Gelli Printing

Source, identify & learn about plants and nature, then have fun making prints - play with colour with easy to use gelli printing. It's good fun!

£25 all materials provided

This can be made into an exclusive session for you and family or friends.

Maximum at present 3 people

Please contact with dates that suit you.

‘.... engaging, funny, knowledgeable and a great tutor.

(Testimonial from January 2020 workshop)